The Imposter Bride: A Clean Historical Romance 

The Imposter Bride by Faith Johnson is a heartwarming clean romance with a dash of mistaken identity. The story follows Tabitha, a kind and resourceful young woman trapped in a life of servitude at the Smith household. Treated poorly and yearning for a change, Tabitha stumbles upon an opportunity to escape through a mail-order bride scheme.

This book comes with endearing characters. The heroine is lovable and relatable. Her strength and resourcefulness in taking charge of her life are inspiring. Jacob, the unwitting husband, is portrayed as a kind and understanding man. The story offers a sweet and wholesome romance that develops gradually. Also relatable is the central theme of overcoming adversity and finding happiness through one's determination.

And now for the only “nay” we found about this book - the plot. While being well fleshed out, it relies heavily on the secret of Tabitha's past, which could be developed further to create more suspense.

Overall, The Imposter Bride is a light and enjoyable read for fans of clean romance with a touch of intrigue. The story celebrates honesty and finding love in unexpected places.

Anyone who enjoys feel-good historical romances with relatable characters and a focus on personal growth should pick a copy.


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